Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reflections Of My Mother (FUT).

Reflections Of My Mother.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap Kit, "cbg_reflectionsofmymother" (FTU) you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask253, download it Here.
Tube of your Choice.
Font of choice

This tutorial was written on May 02 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1. - Open a new image, 650 x 650 pixels.
Paste Paper 06 as new layer and apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask.
Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2. - Paste as new layer the Frame03, re-size as needed.
Rotate, when you get the desired result,
with the magic wand click inside the frame, paste paper 05, invert/cut.
do not deselection, paste your tube/cut.

3. - Paste the Element flowers03, Re-size as needed.
rotate 90 degrees Left/Flip

4. - Paste as new layer the elements heart01, book and candle,
re-size as needed,
placed in the lower left corner of the frame.

5. - Paste the flower01 and flower02, re-size and placed in the top left corner of the frame.

6. - Paste the bow01, duplicate, re-size placed in the flowers.

7. - Paste the word-art and the butterfly, re-size
placed in the upper middle of the frame.

You can add a quote and shadow if you wish.

Add your name and copyright, Save as PNG.

Thanks for visiting my tutorial.
My Dreams 2010.

Happy Mother's Day (FTU).

Happy Mother's Day.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap Kit, "addon mothersday" (FTU) you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask193, download it Here.
Tube of your Choice.
I am using a tube which is not to whom it belongs,
please if you know to whom it belongs,
let me know to remove it or pay it.
Thank You
A quote of choice, or use one of the following link. Here.
Font of choice

This tutorial is to easy, I hope you like it.

This tutorial was written on May 04 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.
Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1. - Open a new image, 650 x 650 pixels.
Paste Paper 2, as new layer and apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask.
Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2. - Paste Element 2, re-size as needed.
Rotate, when you get the desired result, click inside
expand 5 pixels, paste paper 1, invert/cut.

3. - Paste the Elements 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12.
Re-size as needed.
Proceeds to place as in my tag, or as you wish.
You can add shadows to each of the elements.

Add your name and copyright, Save as PNG.

Thanks for visiting my tutorial.
My Dreams 2010.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Easter. (FTU).

Happy Easter.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap Kit, Happy Easter (FTU) you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask128, download it Here.
Tube of Uchakina Irina, buy it Here.
Font of choice

This tutorial was written on March 14 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1. - Open a new image, 650 x 650 pixels.
Paste paper 3, apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask.
Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2. - Paste the frame, re-size as needed, rotate 13 degrees to the left.
Select into the frame, paste paper 6, invert/cut.
Selections inverts again, paste your tube, invert/cut.

3. - Paste the ribbon and ribbon 4, re-size to 13 pixels or the size you like. Place one on each upper corner of the frame.

4. - Paste the element Narcissus, re-size/place on the ribbon.

5. - Paste the Card, re-size and place on the ribbon 4.

6. - Paste the Grass, duplicate it and placed one below the other, add some flowers if you like.

7. - Add the tube, a girl sitting would be much better.

8. - Paste some elements, like the egg, egg shell, bird's nest and the bunny, place somewhere in the grass, next to the tube.

Add your name and copyright, Save as PNG

My Dreams 2010.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Fever. (FTU).

Spring Fever

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap Kit, Spring Fever (FTU)you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask94, download it Here.
Tube of Ismael Rac, buy it Here.
Filter: Xero/Radiance.
Font of choice

This tutorial was written on March 3rd 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1.- Open a new image 650 x 650 pixels.
Paste SFBT_paper6_CBJ, apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask. Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2.- Paste SFBT_frame02_CBJ re-size 85 pixels, with the magic wand select inside the frame, 
paste the SFBT_paper7_CBJ Invert/Cut.

3.- Paste SFBT_grass_CBJ, re-size 80 pixels, placed inside the frame.

4.- Paste SFBT_pinbow3_CBJ, re-size and rotate, 
place it in the upper right side of the frame.

5.- Paste SFBT_string_CBJ re-size 65 pixels, image/mirror, 
place it on the element pinbow3.
duplicate, hide the duplicate for now.

6.- it's time to add the tube of your choice, duplicate, 
add Xero/Radiance to duplicate tube with default settings,
lower the opacity to 30, merge group.

7.- Paste SFBT_leaves_CBJ resize 80 pixels, 
add the SFBT_flower1_CBJ, SFBT_flower2_CBJ and SFBT_flower3_CBJ, re-size 65 pixels.
place them on the left side of the frame,
open the duplicate of SFBT_string_CBJ place it on the flowers.

8.- adds the elements of the butterfly, the bird and word-art, 
re-size as needed.
duplicate the butterfly, 
placed a butterfly on flowers and another on the string, 
the word-art in the bottom of the tube.

Add your name and copyright and Save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Easter (FTU).


Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap kit DBV Easter "FTU", download Here.
Mask by me, download Here.
Tube of choice or the one I used.
I used the art of Ismael Rac, you can purchase from Here.
Font of Choice
Filter: Xero/Radiance.

This tutorial was written on March 1st 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

You can add shadow to each of the elements.

1. - Open a new image 650 x 650, white background, add a new layer.

2.- in the color palette change the foreground to "F4CB3E", Background white
choose your gradient with selected colors, fill the layer/add the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask. Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2. - Copy and Paste the DBV Easter frame10, re-size if needed,
select the frame/paste the paper DBV Easter paper10/invert/cut.

3. - Paste the element, DBV Easter straws3/re-size/rotate 90 degrees to the left.

4. - Paste DBV Easter fan1, re-size/duplicate.
With the deformation tool, rotate it a bit placed one above the other.

5. - Paste DBV Easter straws1, re-size/rotate, placed on elements fan1.

6. - Paste DBV Easter tulips2, DBV Easter eggbasket1,
re-size if needed and placed on the right side frame.

7. - Paste some eggs, re-size/placed next to the basket.

8. - Paste DBV Easter flower9, re size.

9. - adds some more elements, put them up to you.
(See my tag for reference).

10. - adds the tube of your choice, re-size if needed/duplicate.
add Xero/Radiance to duplicate tube, with default settings
lower the opacity to 30, merge layers.

Add your name and copyright, Save as PNG.

We are done, Thanks for looking.

My Dreams 2010.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Celtic Dreams (FTU).

Celtic Dreams

Supplies Needed:
Psp, I used 9 but this will work in any version.
Tube of choice, I used the beautiful art work of Keith Garvey,
you can purchase from Here.
Scrap kit FTU, Celtic Dream download Here.
Mask WSL_Mask33 download Here.
Font of Choice

Open Your Mask on the psp/minimize.

1. - Copy and Paste as new layer rs_pap11 apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask. Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2. - Copy & Paste rs_frame6 re-size as needed, with the magic wand select inside the frame, paste the paper of choice/invert/cut.
Invert again.

3. - Paste the tube of choice re-size if needed, invert/cut.

4. - Paste the element rs_bow2 re-size to 25 pixels, image rotate/free rotate/left 90 degrees/duplicate/mirror.

5. - Paste rs_charm3 re-size to 45 pixels, duplicate/mirror.

6. - Paste rs_vine1 re-size as needed, image rotate/free rotate/left 90 degrees/duplicate/mirror.

7. - Paste the he following elements, rs_daisy2, rs_daisy3 and rs_daisy4, re-size as necessary place them in the bottom of the frame.

8. - Paste the following elements, rs_greenbeer2, rs_hat3, rs_pipe, rs_potogold and rs_shamrock1 place them where you like in the bottom of frame.
(See my tag for reference).

Add your name and copyright. Save as PNG.
Thank you for trying my tutorial.

My Dreams 2010.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Feeling Lucky (FTU).

Feeling Lucky.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, any version I use 9 but any will do.
Scrap Kit: FeelingLucky FTU download it HERE
Maskara WSL_Mask41 download it HERE
Tube of choice: I used of Keith Garvey, you can purchase from HERE

This tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP

I made this tutorial on February-22-2010.
Any resemblance to other tag/tutorial is just coincidence. 

Let's begin!

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1.-Open a new image 600 x 650 pixels, white background

 2.- Copy & Paste as new layer, FL_paper01
Add the mask.
In "Source Window" for the mask.
Source luminance, selected press Ok.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.

2 .- Copy & Paste FL_sparkles reduces 70 pixels, 
duplicate and place them as you want on paper.

3 .- Copy & Paste FL_glitterdoodle2 re-size to 75 pixels, duplicate /mirror.

4 .- Copy & Paste FL_frame4, re-size if necessary. 
With the magic wand select inside the frame, 
expand 4 pixels filled with a color that coordinates with the frame 
or add a scrap kit paper, invert/cut.

5 .- Copy & Paste the tube of your choice.

6 .- Copy & Paste FL_leaves resize 65 pixels, rotate/duplicate/mirror.

7 .- Copy & Paste FL_luckytag  resize 55 pixels.

8 .- Copy & Paste FL_3leafclover, resize/duplicate/mirror.

9 .- Copy & Paste FL_string, Image/Rotate 90 degrees.

10 .- Copy & Paste FL_flower2 reduces 75 pixels.

Add your name and copyright
Apply drop shadow to each layer and merge
Save as PNG.
My Dreams 2010.

I'm Lucky (FTU).

I'm lucky

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap kit FTU, Feeling Lucky Artmama download Here.
Mask of choice, i uses WSL_Mask193 download Here.
Tube of choice or the one I used.
I used the art of Ismael Rac, you can purchase from Here.
Font of Choice.

This tutorial was written on February 26 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1.- Open a new image 650 x 650, white background.

2.- Copy and Paste as new layer Paper 06 apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
Choose your mask. Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

2.- Paste the frame embellie 15 re-size if needed, with the magic wand select the frame, copy the paper of choice, invert/cut.
duplicate the frame and re-size 50 pixels.
rotate 25 degrees to the left, do the same as before.

3.- paste the tube of choice, re-size  if needed/invert/cut.

4.- adds the elements, embellie 04, 13, 30, 31 and 34 put them wherever you like.
(see my tag for reference)

this tutorial is too easy, I hope you like it.

Add your name and copyright and Save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Pretty Lucky (FTU).

Pretty Lucky

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, any version I use 9 but any will do.
Scrap Kit: Feeling Lucky FTU download it Here.
Tube of choice: I used of Keith Garvey, you can purchase from Here
Mask of you preference,
I've used the paper 26 add xenofex.1.1/distress several times,
until I got this result.

I made this tutorial on February 26 2010.
Any resemblance to other tag/tutorial is just coincidence.

Open the mask in you psp, minimize

1.-Open a new image 650 x 650 pixels, white background

 2.- Copy & Paste as new layer, FL_paper01
Add the mask.
In "Source Window" for the mask.
Source luminance, selected press Ok.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.

3.- Paste as new layer the element "e53", mirror.

4.- Paste the element "e34" resize to 40 pixels, place it in the center.

5.- Paste the element "e33" resize to 18 pixels, duplicate/mirror. placed next to each other left and right side element 34.

6.- Paste the element "e18" resize to 25 pixels.

7.- Paste the element "e47" resize to 13 pixels, duplicate/mirror.

8.- Paste the element "e51" resize to 11 pixels, place it next to the element 18.

9.- Paste the element "e36" re size as often as deemed necessary, place it in the top

10.- adds the tube of your choice
add shadow to each layer if desired.

Add your name and copyright. Save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Yummy Lucky (FTU).

Yummy Lucky. 

This tutorial was written on February 20 2010
Any resemblance to any other tut is pure coincidence. 

This was written for those with working knowledge of PSP.

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, I used 9 but any version should work.
Scrap kit FTU, Feeling Lucky download Here.
Tube of choice or the one I used. 

I used the art of Ismael Rac, you can purchase from Here.
Mask of choice, i uses WSL_Mask41 download Here.
Add Drop shadow of choice as you go.

Ok let's get started

1.- Open the mask in you Psp, minimize

2.- Open a new image 650 x 650, white background.

3.- Copy and Paste as new layer Paper 2 apply the mask.
Layer / New Mask Layer / From Image.
Choose your mask. Left click on your mask layer in your layers palette.
Layers / Merge / Merge Group. Re-size if needed.

4.- Copy and Paste as new layer, Leprechauns tree re-size 70 pixels, 

fits in center of canvas.

5.- Copy and Paste Grass, duplicate four times, 

fits on the bottom of the tree.

6.-Copy and Paste Lucky the Frog, re-size if necessary.

7.- Copy and Paste the pot of gold, re-size.

8.- Copy and Paste Butters & Grass Line, 

re-size 50 pixels/duplicate/mirror.

9.- Copy and Paste Bernie Bumble, re-size 55 pixels.

10.- Copy and Paste the tube of choice
Add your name and copyright
Apply drop shadow to each layer and merge
Save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Precious Love". (FTU).

Precious Love.

(click on the image to view original size.)

This tutorial was written and created by Me
on Februay 04 2010.
any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial, it's just coincidence.

Scrap Kit Precious Love (FTU) you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask5, download Here.
Tube of choice, I use the art of Keith Garvey you can buy it Here.
Font of choice

Open the Mask in the Psp, minimized.

1.- Open a new image white background, copy and paste the paper 2
Apply mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
In "Source Window", find the mask.
Source luminance selected press OK.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.

2. - Copy and paste as new layer, the element 8
resize if necessary, duplicate/mirror.

3.-Copy and Paste the element 5 duplicate/mirror.

4. - Copy & Paste the element 16 resize to 65 pixels.
Using the magic wand tool Select into the frame, expand 3 pixels
Add the paper 3, mirror/cut.

5. - Copy and Paste the tube of your choice. Add drop shadow on the tube.

6.- Paste the element 6, resize/duplicate/mirror.

7.- Paste the element 17 resize/duplicate and fits.

8. - Paste element 19, resize to 17 pixels, placed on the elements 17.

9. - Paste the element 13, resize to 25 pixels and place it in the top right of the frame.
Duplicate element 19, resize to a smaller size and paste on the element 13 (See my tag for reference).

10. - Copy & Paste the elements 9 and 11,
put them in the top left of the frame
(See my tag for reference).

Add your text, copyrights and credits, save your tag as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Bed Of Roses (FTU).

Bed Of Roses.

(click on the image to view original size.)

This tutorial was written and created by Me
on Februay 04 2010.
any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial, it's just coincidence.

For this tutorial, you need
Psp any version; I use PSP9
Scrap Kit, Bed of Roses (FTU) you can download it Here.
WSL_Mask321, download it Here.
Font of choice
Tube of Ismael Rac, buy it Here.

Open the Mask on the Psp and minimize

1. - Open a new image, 700 x 700 pixels and white background.
Copy and Paste the role BOR_BG5 resize 60 pixels
apply the mask.
Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
In "Source Window", looking for the mask,
Source luminance selected press, Ok.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.

2. - Copy and Paste BOR_Doodle2 resize, duplicate/mirror.

3. - Copy and Paste BOR_Frame2,
with the magic wand and click inside BOR_BG4 filled with paper,
invert/cut, Invert again “do not uncheck”,
adds the tube, Blend mode/Soft-light

4. - Copy and Paste BOR_Wordart1 resize if necessary,
placed below the frame (see my tag for reference).

5. - Copy and Paste LoveStamp1 and LoveStamp2,
resize to 22 pixels, put them somewhere in the frame.

6. - Copy and Paste BOR_Flower1 resize to 21 pixels,
placed on the stamps.

7. - Copy and Paste BOR_Bow1,
resize and placed in the top of the frame.

8. - Copy and Paste the tube as new layer on the word art.

Add shadow, gradient glow, or anything you want.
Add your name and copyright, Merge Save as a jpeg or PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pink Heart (FTU).

Pink Heart

(click on the image to view original size.)

This tutorial was written and created by Me
on January 06 2010.

For this tutorial, you need
Psp Any version I use 9, but it can do it in any other version.
Scrap Kit: Is This Love (FTU), which you can download here
Mask of your preference I use WSL_Mask96 download it here.
Tube Keith Garvey, you can buy here
Ok let's get started.
Open the mask in you psp, minimize.

1.- Open a new image of 650 x 650 pixels, white background.

2.- Copy & Paste as new layer the paper of your choice and apply the mask.
Layer / New Mask Layer/From Image.
In "Source Window" looks for the mask.
Source luminance selected press ok.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group. 

3.- Copy and Paste the frame2_bc_isthislove,
Using the magic wand tool select the inner layer, expands 5 pixels.

4.-Copy and Paste, p1_bc_isthislove paper, invert the selection/cut. 

5.- Copy and Paste the tube as new layer, resize appropriate.
Drop shadow on the tube and layers of frame.

6.-Copy and Paste flower5_bc_isthislove,
resize if necessary with the deformation tool rotates a little,
place it on the left side of the frame. Drop shadow.

 7.- Copy and paste flower8_bc_isthislove, do the same thing with the rose,
rotate it and fits over the rose.

8.-Copy and Paste flower6_bc_isthislove resize,
rotate and fits well on the roses and flowers. Drop shadow.

9.-Copy and Paste flower10_bc_isthislove Image/duplicate, Image/Mirror.
Fits on the bottom of the frame. Drop shadow.

10.-Copy and Paste candle1 and candle2 resize it
Placed on the left side of the frame,
do the same with the bear teddy_bc_isthislove. Drop shadow.

11.- Copy and Paste heart3_bc_isthislove resize 45 pixels.
Placed in the top right of the frame,
do the same with the bun "bow6_bc_isthislove.
Add your text, copyrights and credits, save your tag as PNG.

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!

Dreams Of Love 2010

"Just Love Me" (FTU).

Just Love Me.

(click on the image to view original size)

Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro, any version I use 9.
Scrap Kit Just Me FTU, which you can download HERE.
Mask of Choice, Which I used not be who belongs to
if you know, Let me know to give the credit it deserves.
Tube Keith Garvey, you can buy HERE.
Font of choice.

I made this tutorial on January 05 2010
Any resemblance to other tag/tutorial is just coincidence.

Opens your mask on the psp, minimize.

1.- open a new image, 700 x 700 pixels, white background.

2.- Copy & Paste 7S_JustMe_paper05, apply the maskara of your choice.
In "Source Window" for the mask.
Source luminance, selected press Ok.
Layers / Merge / Merge Group.

3.- Copy & Paste 7S_JustMe_frame03.
with the magic wand click inside the frame,
paste 7S_JustMe_paper05 paper, selections/invert/cut.

4.- Copy & Paste 7S_JustMe_flower03
duplicate it 3 times to make 4 layers
places two on the right side of the frame
and two on the left.

5.- Copy & Paste 7S_JustMe_bow02, resize to 65 pixels,
placed at the rear left side of the frame.

6.- Copy & paste 7S_JustMe_butterfly01, resize to 70 pixels,
fits in the back right of the frame.

7.- Adds the tube of your choice

Apply drop shadow if desired to each layer and merge
Add your name and copyright, save as png.

My Dreams 2010.

"Love Is Pink". (FTU).

Love Is Pink.

(click on the image to view original size )

For this tutorial you need:
Paint Shop Pro Any version, I use PSP9
Scrap Kit: Love Is Pink FTU, which you can download HERE.
Maskara Vix_Mask292, which you can download HERE.
Ismael Rac Tube, you can buy HERE.

Open the mask in your psp and minimize.
Open a new image, 700 x 700 pixels and white background.

Copy & Paste Paper LiP_Paper_09.
Apply the mask
Layer / New Mask Layer / From Image.
In "Source Window" for the mask.
Source luminance, selected press Ok.
Layers / Merge / Merge Group.

Copy & Paste the frame, LiP_HeartFrame_03
with the magic wand, click inside the frame.
Paste as new layer the LiP_Paper_02, Selections / Invert / Cut.

Copy & Paste Lip_Flower_03, resize to 70 pixels, placed in the top left of the frame.

Copy & Paste LiP_Pearl_03, resize to 45 pixels, placed on the flower 03.

Copy & Paste LiP_Ribbon_03 resize 85 pixels, fits on the bottom of the frame.

Copy & Paste Lip_LoveString_03 resize 80 pixels and fits over the ribbon 03.

Copy & Paste LiP_Ribbon_02, resize to 75 pixels,
with the tool "Deform Tool” rotate until the ribbon up,
place it on the right side frame.

Copy & Paste Lip_Bow_01, resize to 75 pixels, place it on the ribbon 02.

Copy & Paste Lip_Flower_05, resize to 75 pixels
placed on the bow 01.

Add your name and copyright, save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010.

Is This Love (FTU).

Is This Love.

(click on the image to view original size.)

Supplies Need:
Psp Any Version, I use PSP9
Scrap Kit: Is This Love FTU, which can be downloaded Here.
Maskara Becky_Mask022, download it Here.
Thanks Becky for the lovely Mask.
Tubes Keith Garvey, you can buy Here.

Open the mask in the psp, minimize.

Open a new image of 650 x 650 pixels white background
Copy & Paste Paper, p9_bc_isthislove
Apply the mask, Becky_Mask022.

Layer/New Mask Layer/From Image.
In "Source Window" looks for the mask.
Source luminance selected, press Ok.
Layers/Merge/Merge Group.

Paste as new layer "frame1_bc_isthislove"
with the magic wand, click inside the transparent box expand 2 pixels.

Paste as new layer, the paper "p2_bc_isthislove" resize 70 pixels, Invert/Cut.
Effects/Texture Effects/Weave, with these settings.
1, 7, 1 respectively black color.

Paste as new layer the tube of your choice, placed/invert / cut.
In the layers palette, change the screen mode.

Paste as new layer, roses flower5_bc_isthislove, flower6_bc_isthislove & flower7_bc_isthislove
resize to 65 pixels, arranges the flowers on the left side of the frame.

Paste as new layer wrap1_bc_isthislove
resize to 80 pixels, settles into the center of the frame.

Paste as new layer bow6_bc_isthislove
resize to 65 pixels, place it in the rear left of frame.

Paste as new layer, the following elements:
letter_bc_isthislove, heart2_bc_isthislove,
flower9_bc_isthislove, heart4_bc_isthislove.
Resize if necessary fits using my tag for reference.

Paste the tube, place it on the frame which looks beautiful.
Add shadow to all elements if you wish.

Add your name and copyright, save as PNG.

My Dreams 2010